
Who is Arman Bhimani?

I am a full-stack developer that loves solving problems! The harder the problems the better. I am passionate about programming both on the front-end and back-end. However, I have a burning passion for front-end development. It is so cool to visually see the ideas I have coming to life!

My hobbies outside of coding are taking long walks with my dog, reading, and spending time with loved ones. I also love helping other people (code and just life). It not only makes me feel good, but also reinforces my own learning!


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Screenshot of Landing page for SoberFriends

SoberFriends aims to help people quit their addiction by tracking their progress, and having a community of people going through the same thing for support.

Technologies Used

HTML icon CSS3 icon JavaScript icon React icon Nodejs icon Postgres icon
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screenshot of landing page for dream-dogs

Dream-Dogs helps owners struggling to provide for their dogs to find a safe new home.

Technologies Used

HTML icon CSS3 icon JavaScript icon React icon Nodejs icon Postgres icon
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Screenshot of Landing Page for WeatherOrNot

Search a city and get results back for the weather and events happening in that city!

Technologies Used

HTML icon CSS3 icon JavaScript icon
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